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- "I was adopted from the Humane Society in June 2003. I was given a new name, as my old name... 'Penny'... did not compliment my amiable personality. Henceforth, my handle became Maddie Kate Scarlett O'Hara."
- "I love to sleep on pillows. Before we moved, my favorite resting spot was on the cat's window perch."
- "Daily, Kristin admires me. She loves all the pretty fluff on my chest. I even volunteer to be groomed before Izzy now, all so that Kristin can tell me how beautiful I am."
- "I share a birthday (Nov 13th) with Kristin's favorite Scottish actor, Gerry Butler. "
- "When I was brought into the family, I desired to have a playmate desperately, for the cats had nothing to do with me. But now – with the wild Isabelle Rose as my new ‘sister’ - I desire more alone time. Puppies are exhausting."
- "I love everyone in my family equally. I often go from room to room throughout the house to check on them."
- "I am very unique in that I am such a sassy furkid. I sway my hips when I walk, but when I'm in need of a human's services I forcefully nudge my nose under their arm; like a bottlenosed dolphin, they tell me.... whatever that is."
- "At the old house we had many possum visitors. I used to be afraid of possums, but in the end I never failed to tell my family when one was outside trying to drink from the bird bath or eat all the wild birdseed."
- "My stuffed animal toys I love to bathe just as I would my own babies, had I ever had them."
- "Daily, I'm told that I have the prettiest smile in the whole wide world!"
- "When my family comes home after running errands, I'm so glad of their return that I instantly start squeaking my toys. My favorites are the rabbit stuffed animals."
- "When I was adopted I was a very, very quiet furkid. I was afraid of strangers, and my new family even thought I had been de-barked by my previous owners. But then one day I came out of my shell after discovering that I really was quite the fearless guard dog after all. My family says I've been making up for my previous silence ever since."
- "I love playing games of fetch, snapping at flying insects, and taking my family out for walks. I find exercise to be very important for my humans, and I do love sniffing that fresh air while out for an evening stroll!"
-"My name is Lady Isabelle Rosie Cotton, though my family calls me Izzy most of the time. I was born February 3, 2007 and was adopted very early; April 15, 2007. When I'm getting into mischief I'm called Monkey Butt and IzzaMagoo."
- "I am really, really obsessed with Wendy (and Kristin). I want the cat to play with me sooo badly, but my family keeps telling me that will never happen."
- "While it's true that I only weigh 5 pounds, I do play with the big dogs. Okay… so I play with ONE big dog, which would be Maddie Kate. We play really rough together. When wrestling, I think Maddie sometimes lets me win. She lets me win because I wear her out easily."
- "The picture below was taken the moment I was brought home. As you can tell, I'm very fond of Nanny's flowers."
- "I love to eat cat food." (Maddie taught me that).
- "I love sleeping on pillows." (Maddie taught me that, too).
- "I am fascinated by birds. I watch them flying overhead all the time, and even chase them away from the bird bath and flower bed."
- "When I was a puppy, I enjoyed playing in my water dish, splashing water all over the place. I no longer do that, as I don't think Kristin likes it much since she fusses at Wendy for it all the time."
- "I love to dive my nose into the very bottom of my food dish, only eating the vegetables."
- "I’m famous around here for my toothy grin. It makes my family laugh... and laugh... and laugh."
- "I am a very loud yawner when sleepy. My family thinks it's very cute, so I keep doing it. (Maddie taught me that humans like it when their furkids are cute). I even yawn when I get very excited."
- "When playing inside the garden, I love to pull off rose petals with my teeth and then roll on top of them."
- "My favorite stuffed animal toy is my raccoon! Everyday I'm careful to hide it where no one but me can find it."
- "My family is always saying I'm very wild and mischievous. Kristin says God made me cute for a reason - whatever that means."
- "I could easily be mistaken for Maddie’s daughter. We look very much alike, and have even adopted each other's habits and mannerisms."
- "When in the backyard, I like to hop like a bunny rabbit over the leaves and any tall grass. Kristin thinks I'm confused, but I think hopping is just fun!"
- "My favorite game in the whole wide world is to tug on Kristin's robe with my teeth and then let her drag me around."
- "I behave like a cat a lot of the time; as in the way I sneak up on Maddie - back arched and walking ever so s-l-o-w-l-y towards her - and then pounce on her when she least expects it. It's great fun! I also bathe my face just as a cat does."
- "Whenever I want a toy or rawhide that Maddie has, I start acting all submissive by lying on my back. If that doesn't work... I stand up, very gently place my paw on her head, and then stare straight ahead without making a sound or looking at her. Maddie usually ignores me for 2 or 3 minutes, but then she lets me have whatever I want."
- "When someone's cooking and the timer on the stove starts to beep, I never fail to bark and tell my mother that dinner is ready."
- "Even though I'm obsessed with Wendy Kitty, I'm learning not to trust her. Whenever Wendy just sticks her paw out when I'm next to her, or is purposely blocking a room that I want to go in, I become so frightened of her possibly scratching me that I... well, my family calls it 'freaking out.' All I know is I get scared. Even when Wendy doesn't do anything, but I THINK she will, I start yapping and screaming at her so loudly that Maddie comes to my rescue. She tries to scare Wendy away, but so far the cat just stares back at her."
- "I am a very quiet kitty descended from royalty; hence my long and beautiful name, Wendy Moira Angela Darling."
- "I am a very small and dainty little princess, so whenever I get cold I try to keep warm by sitting beneath a lamp."
- "My family always jokes that I had to have been a philosopher or artist in my past life, for I truly appreciate beauty and notice when a new picture has been hung up in a room or so little as a pillow has been changed. I’ve even been known to pat my paw on a picture I’m extremely fond of. And when my human mother used to carry me to my room at bedtime, I couldn't help but roll my head around, gazing in every direction at everything we pass by. Of course, these days I stay in Kristin's room. I don't know why, but she doesn't like it when I keep waking her up at night."
- "My nickname is Wendy Woo, though I much prefer my full given name."
- "I am very patient with Izzy's obsession for me. She is always kissing me and trying to get me to play with her."
- "When I had kittens, my human mother always knew when it was time b/c I’d follow her around the house all day. I tried giving birth in her lap, but she didn’t seem to like the idea."
- "Kristin seems to think I'm psychic since I never fail to jump onto her lap just seconds before she starts to get up."
- "I love to smell the flowers. I also like to nibble on all the nice floral arrangements in the house. I'm so happy my family buys those for my eating pleasure. They must really love me because they buy new ones for me all the time."
- "When I sit, my tail is always folded about my little feet and my left paw is always hung daintily up in the air. I really am quite a feminine, petite little thing."
- "I am so quiet that I can go months without making a sound. Sometimes, when I do meow I do it with my mouth closed. My family thinks that’s funny for some reason."
Just a quick note from Wendy's human Mama:
Don't believe one word Wendy Kitty said about herself. While that saccharine sweet personality typed above used to be truth, I'm afraid it expired a few years ago.
As Wendy's gotten older, her personality has taken a sharp turn towards the dark side. I think she hit her rebellious teen years a little late. (She seems to be enjoying herself though). We even have to separate her from Tiger Lily now.
Yep, she's turned from princess to butch.
- "My name is Tiger Lily, and I am the mother of Wendy Kitty only in the biological sense."
- "Seeing as I'm the matriarch in the family - 18 years old - I pretty much rule the roost around here."
- "I have been known to chase big dogs."
- "I love drinking from the bathroom faucet, and often answer only to the name Kitty Girl."
- "My favorite word to say is 'Mom' every night. I meow it very LOUDLY during the night."
- "I have been known to give birth in the grass catcher of the lawn mower and underneath the couch. When Wendy and I had litters at the same time, we swapped some of our kids."
- "At our old house, I loved to lie in the upstairs bedroom window even though I fell out of it all the time."
- "I adopted my family myself. I was stuck up in a tree, injured, and decided on a whim not to leave. The people there fed me and gave me shelter, yet all expected of me was to sleep the day away. I thought it a great place to live the best life a cat could ever have, and so I still stay put."
- "I am unique in that I have Hemingway claws; that would be extra toes, just as Hemingway's cats possessed."
- "I love sleeping in the laundry basket, and since I'm a cat of many years, Mom lets me sleep in it all the time now. She even placed it at the side of her bed, layered with bunches of comfy blankets."
(Sunday; June 24, 2012)
We Miss You, Kitty Girl! XOXOXO
- "My name is "Fievel," and I'm a bluebird fledgling which Kristin and her Mom rescued. My sweet mother, Rose, passed away so Daddy took care of me and my siblings all on his own."
- "My name translates as 'brilliant one' and compared to my siblings I was tiny. If I had been born a girl, Kristin says she would have named me 'Thumbelina.'"
- "Since Daddy - whose name is Duncan - wasn't feeding me enough to survive, my human family took over. They cared for me until I was strong enough to fly on my own."
- "On my first adventurous day of flying, Kristin and her Mom were very sad and worried for me. That evening I came back to their house to show off how gifted I was at this flying business. I even brought Daddy, my brothers and sister with me."
- "Click here to look at a few videos of me, and if you want to see pictures of my parents click here and here."